Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's kinda funny. It took a move to the other side of the world to discover something about myself...
I like volleyball.

Its not that I disliked it before. I just didn't have enough exposure to know that I liked it.I should probably qualify that statement. I am referring to watching it, not playing.

Yeah... that would be quite interesting, me playing volleyball.

For the last two months, there has been a lot of that white ball being bumped, served, and spiked. 

The seventh grade boys is one of the nine teams vying for practice time. Last weekend was the culmination of Jacob's season- the tournament.

So last Saturday, 6am saw Carl, Jacob, and myself  on our way to school to catch the team bus to Taipei. That wasn't quite as bad as the swim team's departure earlier in the school year. 5:45am was just a tad bit early for a Saturday. 

They played well. Jacob, despite a slight height disadvantage, contributed greatly to their effort to take first place. In the championship game, they played the best I have ever seen them. They focused, worked together, and made smart plays. Unfortunately, first place was not theirs to claim. After taking the first game, they lost the second. Increasing pressure and tired muscles left them lacking in the tie breaking game. 
Jacob... Number 13.

Outside court...even at end the of October

After their only loss... a difficult, but well played game. 

Growing up too fast!

So what's next for middle school athletes? Softball, of course! (Softball in November and December does seem a little bit weird, but we're not in Ohio anymore!) Go Mustangs!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


16 months.
That's not a real long time.
But I guess how long it feels depends on that which is being waited upon..   

In this case, 16 months has seemed like an eternity.
Well, maybe that is a slight exaggeration.
But after living most of our lives in a community where a car was a necessity, going 16 months without a family vehicle, seemed incredibly long.

However, that is no longer true.
We bought a van!

Its not new. 
Its not fancy.
It will, however, allow our whole family to go somewhere together.
And that is what matters the most.

I am blessed!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Yes, it happens, occasionally.
Don't tell anyone.
I wouldn't want anyone to think just because I work on a day off, that I am a workaholic.

And sometimes, I get hungry.
So I scamper over to the closest 7-11 and buy me some food.

Strange lunch, I know.

If you live in, or have lived in Taiwan in the past, you could name the three edible items on my desk.

What about the rest of you?

The drink is probably the easiest- an Ocean Spray Cranberry. Delicious no matter where it is consumed. 

The second item is easily identified as an egg, but obviously not a normal hard boiled egg. It's a tea egg. Served warm, I find it much better than it's  American cousin.

The last item is comprised of candied pork, egg, sticky rice, and the defining ingredient- seaweed.
Stop cringing! It really is delicious.

Can you believe that as a child I was an extremely picky eater?

Go figure.... miracles can happen!


We miss this guy! We know he is not only well fed and healthy, but loved and happy.
(Thank you Charles Family)

But we still miss our Copper! 

Fortunately, for us, Taichung offers us many chances to see and love on other adorable four legged friends.

 A couple blogs ago, there was a picture of  our neighbor dog in the arms of Abbi. Jacob, in particular, developed a distinct like for her. I can't blame him- she's cute and friendly.

A week before our fall break, I got an email from Carl. Something, he wasn't sure what, had happened to her. All through the afternoon he could hear her desperate whine of pain. Going outside, he saw the neighbor talking to the guard gate

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Priceless View

Four hours. 
That's it.

From the flat congested civilization  to the glorious mountainous wilderness.
From sea level to 3,100 meters (10,000 feet).
From high 80's  to the low 50's.
In just four hours....

....on a scooter. 

What an adventure! 

(Warning.... you are about to be subjected to vacation pictures.)

Three couples... four scooters!

Half way there resting point.... The Purple Restaurant.

All purple decor........ 

Great atmosphere. Great food.
Thanks Don and Mark for the recommendation! 
As the road winded up, the temperature fell.. Layers were added. As we neared the top, the clouds dropped, visibility reduced. White moisture hung in the air. Finally, our destination, appeared around a bend- an old ski resort. Yes, you read that correctly- an old ski resort. Remains of the ski lift, vaguely visible in the weedy vegetation. Forty years ago, the ski resort operated for two months out of the year. 

After checking in, there was just enough time for a short hike.
The clouds had lifted,  but not enough to see the sunset.
And in case you wondered, the high elevation kicked my rear.

But the view was clearly worth the strenuous effort! 
Only a few clouds were in attendance the next morning for sunrise.

As the clouds once again began to settle over the view, we had time
for one  more hike- elevation 3,560 meters. (11,680 feet)

While the view was priceless our budget was not. The three couples shared a hostel room that was equipped with six sleeping pads, comforters, and pillows. The room was just big enough for all six to stretch out and sleep. The shared bathrooms were adequate with lots of hot water. All this, and two meals for just $30 a person! Gas for the scooter? About $8!

I am blessed!