Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Inner Struggle

It's that time of the year again.

I want it to go by fast.

No, I don't.

I want time to s-l-o-w down.

No, I don't.

I don't have time to argue with anyone. I'm too busy having this tug-of-war with in my own being.

These last weeks of school are such  emotional roller coaster rides for me- both on the professional level, as well as personal.

Have I taught my students everything they need to be successful in third grade? Did I teach all my benchmarks? Have I showed them how important and unique they all are?  Have I loved them enough?  And mostly, have I truly reflected God's love, grace, mercy, peace, patience, and joy?

Each year, as I look forward to the last tolling of the bell, I also realize how much I am going to miss these students. Sure, I will see them again, but they will never be my students again. They will move upstairs. They will have a new teacher. At least one classmate is moving to the US, while several new students will be joining the class next August. They will grow up, mature, and grow in stature and wisdom. All that will be left of our year together will be the memories, hopefully all good!

So here are some of the memory makers of the last three or so weeks.

With the opening of the new pool, returned the much loved swimming PE classes! Before the old pool was demolished, the elementary kids had three weeks of swimming classes both at the beginning of the year, as well as the end. Without a pool, it couldn't happen, but now, its back. Good thing, because there is no better way to cool down than a romp in the water. And while I do not get to join them, a wet hug here and there also has a tremendous cooling down effect!

The much awaited first field trip of the year! A trip into the mountains surrounding Taichung resulted in a day "up on the farm". 

This little guy decided to hatch while we were there! For us city dwellers, it was a chance of a lifetime to see this new beginning.

Second graders love creepy, crawly things!

And things with feathers, too.

And who could resist a cute, cuddly puppy?

The farmer gathered a stalk of bamboo for each student, who then peeled it. As we were eating our lunches, the staff made bamboo soup for us to enjoy. It was rather delicious!

Another delicious memory is our walking trip to the corner 7-11. For our Taiwanese money assessment, each student had to choose a snack and pay for it with exact change. I'd like to say it was by far the tastiest assessment this year!

After paying for our snacks, we enjoyed the new 7-11's dining room. I don't know how the two ladies at the back of this picture survived our taking over of the room. This room was not acoustically designed for 23 seven and eight year olds!

We recently bid farewell to our high school reading buddies. We made cards for them and they taught us to play dodge ball!

The end of the school year takes on a different look when it is one of your own graduating.  Come to think of it, out of the four years we have been at Morrison, only one year didn't end with the graduation of a Dingus. When will this madness end?

Recently, the soon-to-be graduates led a K5 chapel.

I was extremely proud of Abbi as she shared God's word and then led a panel discussion. It was quite hilarious as my own students kept turning around to see if I was crying yet!

Besides two birthdays, we have celebrated sports awards (Abbi- Captain Award for track, Jacob- Most Improved), and academic awards (Jacob- honors and Abbi- Robert Morrison Award for seven consecutive semesters 3.80+ GPA).

We have attended staff dinners and farewells.


Our beloved team leader, Karen, will be returning home for a year of home service. We surprised her with one of her favorites- mango bing! 

If you ever come to Taiwan to visit us, make sure you come during mango season. This is one Taiwanese specialities you don't want to miss.

I can't forget to add one of the most emotional moments of this past month- Abbi's final moments of high school. Seriously, who thinks of these tear jerking traditions?

If you have some spare money hanging around, may I suggest investing in Kleenex? You might find your investment doubling,  even tripling soon!

Sunday, May 15, 2016


I simply do not understand time.

I mean, I get the concept of 60 seconds equals a minute, and sixty minutes equals an hour, and so on.

But why is it that sometimes it seems time goes faster than other times?

I once heard the length of five minutes depends on which side of the bathroom door you are standing at. When I was a kid, the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas crawled at the pace of a grandpa snail. Now it seems I blink and wham, Christmas is here.

Why is that?

Lately, this time dilemma has bogged me down. I guess that's natural considering the stage of life I am currently in. Three years ago, I was the mom of a household of six. Soon it is to be a household of three. 

But, here is the other reason for my introspect...

My baby. who really isn't a baby, turned fifteen this past Thursday.

How did we go from this to this in just a blink of the eye?

When we moved to Taiwan four years ago, Jacob wasn't even a teenager yet. He was shorter than me. 

If we were still in Ohio, he would be anxiously anticipating obtaining his temporary driving permit within the next six months. 


Why am I suddenly feeling old?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Best Laid Plans

You know how it goes....

You get the thought, the inspiration.

Next, you do the practical stuff in order to make it happen.

But, then, bam! It happen; something jumps in and ruins the best laid plans.

It happens to everyone at some point of their lives.

It happened to us.


It all started when Abbi said, "Let's go to a waterfall."

So we decided which one to seek out.

Obtained directions.

Changed our clothes.

Grabbed towels, sunglasses, and snacks.

Jumped in our trusty old van.

And then this happened....

 On our way out of the village, a loud squelching sound erupted from the engine, then a slightly disturbing burning smell, followed by smoke eerily rising from the hood. Enough clues, that even I knew something was wrong.

A quick examination, a phone call to our trusted mechanic, and with the knowledge of a handy husband, the offender was removed.

 So sad. Our lovely afternoon plans were dashed upon the rocks of despair!

I am so glad that we were only a few minutes from home. This would have been much more of headache if we had been farther away, or even worse, on the freeway.

As it was, with a little push from us non-drivers, the driver was able to get the disabled vehicle back onto the road and carefully, back into the parking lot at school. Fortunately, it could still be driven short distances without the missing belt. It could have been  long time consuming trip if we had been any farther away! 

So what now? Grumble, complain, and pout?

No way!

We borrowed the school van and started out again!

I would like to say our troubles were finally behind us, but that wouldn't be the truth.

History does tend to repeat itself. The last time we ventured out to find a waterfall, it took most of the afternoon. Finding a specific place in Taiwan is not as easy as it sounds. Especially when the to-be-found place is an out of the way destination.

After missing several signs, multiple adventurous one lane side trips through tea fields and forested glades, we finally arrived. The elderly gentleman, picking up trash was surprised to see a car arriving so late in the afternoon. With only an hour or so of day light left, we headed down the trail.

I am so glad we didn't give up!

Even the trek to the waterfall was magnificent.

This beautiful bridge was part of the journey.

But, nothing compared with what was at the end of the hike!

According to Jacob, we were a boring family before moving to Taiwan.

The roar of the falling water, the rushing wind, and the subsequent mist was sensory consuming. Much, much smaller than Niagara Falls, but more approachable. More intimate.

Not another living soul in the vicinity. Just us and God's creation.

If sunset hadn't been just around the corner, we would have stayed for hours.

Finding some discarded wood, Jacob built a boat. Would it survive its turbulent future?


As the sun's light began to descend below the horizon, we reluctantly headed back to our borrowed vehicle. Our bodies tired, but souls and spirits lifted!

It was the perfect ending to a day of rest and relaxation!