Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tea Tea Everywhere

Yeah, literally. Everywhere!

Tea shops, that is. 

So, you ask, how can there be an establishment that only serves tea? There isn't enough kinds of tea to support an entire store. There, my friend, you are wrong. But how could you know (unless, of course, you live in Taiwan, also).

Milk Pearl Tea
Grapefruit Green Tea 
Lemon Kumquat
Passion Fruit Green Tea
Yogurt Tea
Ice Cream Black Tea
Raspberry Vinegar Tea

I could go on and on......

But as you can see, the menu offers many choices, and this is one of the smaller. less modern shops.

So not are you only faced with choosing which tea, but also which tea shop. In our little village  there are at least seven tea shops. That's not counting the fried rice place or breakfast shop which also offers a few select teas. Three tea shops, The Tea Shop, Georg Peck, and Traditional Tea, sit side-by-side, all in a row. Just on the opposite corner is another tea shop. And they all sell enough tea to stay in business.

So here's some of  the choices our village offers:
Grapefruit Green Tea slushy! The clerk actually tasted a bit
to make sure it was good enough for us!

Nick's favorite-- Yogurt Tea. Sounds weird, but tastes great.

I love getting a Kumquat  Lemon Green Tea Slushy at George Peck.
Carl's favorite is Lemon Peach Slushy with bits of peach jello.

I've tried several different kinds here-- Pomelo Green Tea
was yummy! The Pomegranate Tea, too!  Ben likes their Passion Fruit
 Green Tea.

This is the newest tea shop. I haven't tried anything there yet.

This shop is closest to school, so it gets a lot of Morrison
business. Even during the school day!

Closest to our house and offers a larger serving, but
not one of my favorites. Sorry, Arai Cha.

And today was an amazing day because I had not just one of my favorite teas, but two of my favorites. And I didn't buy either one! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

One Down, Thirty Five to Go!

Desks straight and tidy.
Pointy pencils tips yearning to be used. 
Crayons boxes yet unopened.
The calm before the storm.

Then it happens-- the first day of school!

A multitude of emotions generally pulsates throughout my being... anticipation, anxiety, regret. 
Questions, seemingly unanswerable,  flow unbidden, unhindered.

Where did the summer go?
Will my students be good listeners?
Will they enjoy learning? 
Will they be a fun class?
Am I ready?

The first day has come, and now is past.

The class of 2024........

They are cute. They are adorable! They are really, really smart!

I am so blessed!


Monday, August 5, 2013

42 Hours

I'm sure we didn't set a world record or anything.

But, it was a tremendously long day.

We left for the Columbus airport around 12:30 pm. We unlocked the front door of our humble  Taiwan home about 42 hours later. 

It was Thursday, and then it was Saturday, just like that! Will I ever find that missing Friday? Good thing it wasn't a Saturday or Sunday- I would hate to lose a good weekend day!

Now, jet lag reigns.....

In bed by 8:30 (the eyes just won't stay open) and up at 4 am ( the eyes just won't go shut). Three of us were wide awake at 3am this morning. I cleaned out my email account. Abbi finished a craft project she's been working on, and Jacob just wandered about the house, until I agreed to play a card game with him (at 4:30am!)

The best part- it only lasts about a week!