Saturday, January 30, 2016

Busiban Learning

In my last post, I briefly mentioned buxiban schools.

Buxibans are extremely popular here in Taiwan. 

A buxiban is a cram school. 

A parent's future directly ties into the success of their children. 

A successful child will be able to support and take care of their aging parents. 

That success begins with school. Anything to give their child a head start, an edge over their classmates, is taken. Even in the primary grades, finals are given and class rankings assigned.

Normal school is not enough. So after a full day of school, students go to school- a cram school. These after schools are usually subject oriented. English and math are popular. 

Many of my Asian business kids attend math buxibans. It makes teaching frustrating at times.

This past week, one of my students was bragging that he was working on fourth grade math in his after school cram school. In other words, he already knew how to subtract two-digit numbers. He had mastered the age old standard algorithm. It was old hat.

His purpose was to impress me. 

I wasn't.

He had memorized the steps, the procedures.

But did he have the understanding behind the standard algorithm? Could he explain why it worked? I tried to explain that being able to follow the steps to completion did not necessarily mean he understood the concept. 

Math and I were not friends growing up. Sure, I could follow the steps, but no one never took the time to explain to me why we did what we did. I was a mathematical disaster.

But, then I realized something.

How many Christians are doing the same thing?

 Each week, they show up at church, complete the expected steps, and leave feeling . Or through out the week they do the things Christians are expected to do- read their Bible, pray, worship, but in reality all they are doing are going through the prescribed procedure without ever truly grasping the understanding of discipleship. Their goal is to get through the steps, not necessarily become more like Christ.

What about me? 

Am I becoming more Christ-like?


Friday, January 22, 2016


Blogging has been hard the last two weeks.

There are many reasons the above statement is true.


January is just a crazy month. Not just me, but most people, too, I think.

Basketball is one factor of our busyness. Last weekend our family was once again spread out over the island. Abbi and I left Friday afternoon with the varsity basketball teams for a tournament at Taipei American School.

Carl left Saturday morning with his team for a tournament at Taipei European School.

Jacob's basketball team played their tournament on home turf.

Nick was substitute parent, as well as chief clock runner for the JVB games.

We came back together Saturday evening to discuss the wins, losses, and crazy (why is the bus driver swerving and driving so fast) bus rides home. 

Carl is back in Taipei again this weekend for another tournament. I was to be with him, but I am not-refer to the next section!


It's winter. 
Even when living in a place where the temperatures are relatively mild, sickness happens. Carl is successfully fighting off bronchitis. I, unfortunately, am recovering from my first ever bout of pink eye. I woke up Thursday morning coughing and sneezing accompanied by a very sore throat and watery eyes. My mid morning my right eye was red, swollen, and felt gritty. Luckily, getting to a doctor is quick and easy. I am on my way to recovery!


No, not my students, but my own. Yep, its that time again. The renewing of the teaching certificate. Unfortunately,  I was having so much fun teaching, grading, and lesson planning that I waited too long to get started. I also found out it was due earlier that I had expected. If not done on time or properly, I lose out on some really important travel reimbursements. Not a good thing when next school year  half your family will live on the opposite side of the earth.  Currently, my brain cells are fully occupied! 

Too Many Ideas.

My mind is constantly cataloging great blog ideas:

1. Spiritual Life Week. 

2. How amazing it is when an auditorium full of children sing praises to the One True God.

3. Batman visits our school. Then colors his hair blue,  topped off with the consumption of fried insects.

4.  Taiwan Snow- never thought I would see a forecast like this....

I know this doesn't even compare to Central Ohio's forecast, but the expected high on Sunday is 36 degrees Fahrenheit with a low of 28? The typical winter lows are in the 50's with maybe an occasional dip into the 40's! While this may seem trivial to my winter hardy friends, please remember- the houses are made of cement with tile flooring, no insulation, and no heat. When the cement gets cold, it stays cold. Often the houses are colder on the inside than the outside. Luckily, we brought a very nice space heater with us from our cold days in Ohio. It will be getting quite the workout this weekend. 

5. Bittersweet Moments

Loving, living, and saying goodbye to college age children. Its tough on any mother, but when you know they won't be home for this weekend, or the next, or the next.... Add to that, Abbi's last year of high school before she joins the above mentioned group. Every moment is precious. Nick leaves tomorrow morning.  How could six weeks go by so quickly, so fast? I am beginning to understand why so many missionaries return home during this period of their lives.

6.  Busiban Learning Vs. Real Learning

This one will need more explanation than I have time. Another name for a busiban is cram school.That should suffice for now.

7. God's Amazing Wonderful Love

No matter the long days, never ending planning, grading, and disciplining, I have the most amazing job. My students may drive me crazy at times, but they are precious gifts from God.

8. My Mom Celebrated Her 84th Birthday (and I wasn't there)

I love my mom! She has never complained or made me feel guilty for following the call of God, even though she lost not only me, her son-in-law, but more importantly her four youngest grandchildren. I am so glad my sister and her husband are close by to love and nurture. In the process, she has gained an adorable great granddaughter, who is cuter that a button!

I could go on and on, but I think you get the gist. My brain is always collecting ideas, but just not the time to develop coherent, understandable, entertaining thoughts.

Maybe some day.....

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Walking on the Wild Side

No, I am not wearing chains.

The word wild refers to animals, as in wildlife.

Such as lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my.

But, unfortunately, or rather fortunately, I did not see any lions, or tigers, or bears during our recent trip to Kenting. But, we did see some wildlife.

Two of our encounters took place while riding in the van.


Spider plus car.

Big spider plus driver's side of van.

Inside the van.

We had just left the beach. The sun had just sunk below the horizon and darkness was quickly coming on. To cool the interior of the car, Carl had rolled the windows down a few inches. This was just enough room for a stowaway to make its move. It climbed up the outside of the window, in through the opening, and down the other side. This is where Carl, the unfortunate driver, first saw our visitor. Before action could be taken, the spider continued down the door, much to the dismay of Carl, who was now unable to see where the spider had gone. Driving on a busy road, as well as keeping your legs far away from the door is quite a talent!

Luckily, a parking lot was sighted before the spider could make another move. Nick snapped this picture before our friend was released back into the wild.

That guy was BIG!

Our next two wild encounters occurred the following day. 

Water buffalo!

Fortunately, these were seen from a distance. 

We saw the last animal from a closer distance. And while it wasn't trying to climb into our van, it almost became part of the van.

Luckily, Carl saw the Taiwanese deer just before it darted across the road. I only saw its behind as it slipped into the thick vegetation. Now for our Ohio friends, almost hitting a deer is no big deal, but actually seeing a deer in Taiwan is kinda rare. Our friends, in the car ahead of us, have lived in Taiwan for over twenty years and this was the first they have seen.

I have heard deer were in Taiwan, but never expected to see one. There is more of a likelihood of seeing a monkey!

Or a snake.....

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Gone with the Wind

Living among the corn, soybean, and wheat fields of central Ohio not only meant wide open spaces, but also, lots of wind. Carl was constantly having to replace shingles from the roof; twice siding was torn off and away.

Wind was something we came to expect.

Taiwan can get a little windy, too.

During the winter months, Kenting, located on the western side of the southern tip, is especially windy.

Time on the beach may include a little sand blasting. Most of the time, its just slightly irritating.

But, if you desire to see gorgeous views on the eastern side of the tip, the wind is more than slightly irritating. Its down right gusty. 

I know because every time we go to Kenting, we drive around the tip. And every single time, I have almost been blown away!

Except this time, we didn't drive around the tip, we cut across it.

Yes, its a dirt road.

Yes, its deserted.

And up to the right, is a cemetery.

But, that little tiny road led to...

 amazing views.

And a strong enough gale that would make every 16th century sailor ecstatic.

We were going for the wind blown look!

Much to this momma's worry, Ben would find a drop off,  then proceed to lean over, allowing the wind's force to counteract gravity's downward pull. 

Fortunately, this wind didn't bring damage to our house or property,

which allowed Carl, the peace and time to enjoy God's beauty!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Just One Picture, Please

 This December was the first time all four Dingus siblings have all been together for a year and four months. On one hand it seemed to go by fast, but on the other hand, it felt like an eternity.

Just having all four together felt right.


And all I wanted to do was document that togetherness, that love.

Just one picture.

I asked.

I begged.

And this is what I got....

 Hold still.

Wait. I can't see Nick.

Now get a little closer.

I give up.