Sunday, September 24, 2017

Its Never Too Late

Swim season is in full swing here at Morrison Academy.

Perfect, because it has been hot. Autumn, obviously has not found its way to Taiwan quite yet. Might need to send out a search party soon!

But, with the fall semester comes swim season and with swim season comes the annual Community Swim Meet. 

Growing up, I learned how to swim. After, I might add, a near drowning. If it wasn't for my observant dad, I probably wouldn't be here today. The following summer, my mom signed me up for lessons. In the years since, swimming has been one of my  favorite ways to exercise. 

I am very blessed to have access to a pool. I am doubly blessed to be able to use that pool nine, sometimes ten months out of the year. With that being said, I must add, I am not a fast swimmer. Abbi had the corner on that one. Not me.

However, it never hurts to be part of an event, even when you know you are not competitive. It's about being a part of the community.

For the last couple years, several coworkers and myself have combined forces on two relay events. 

So blessed to have these ladies in my life! We might not be the fastest but we have loyal fans. Apparently, students love cheering on their teachers. 

In case you wondered, those are my current students. Two of them are in danger of passing up their teacher in the height department. I should have stood on my toes for that picture!

I also enjoy watching current, as well as future and many former students doing their best in the different events. 

Eventually, many will join the swim team. Several students from my very first class here at Morrison joined this year as seventh graders!

To be honest, while hanging out at a pool in a bathing suit in from of students and parents isn't high on my list of favorite things to do, being a part of a vibrant positive community is. From the youngest swimmer to the oldest spectator, we all shared an experience unique to our community.

Not a bad way to spend a Monday afternoon!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Dragster

"From the rising of the sun

to the place it sets;

the name of the Lord is to be praised!"

Let's be honest; easier said than done.

I wake up every morning wanting to praise the Lord, but then things start going down hill. Or the day starts going faster and faster and all my energy is diverted into survival mode. 

It's like the Dragster roller coaster at Cedar Point.

To see what I mean watch this. 

When I rode the Dragster a couple summers ago, I really didn't want to. It was the first time as an adult, I was truly terrified of a roller coaster. But, as I watched it, I realized that I could hold my breath the entire ride, and if I could hold my breath the entire ride, how bad could it be? I could endure anything for that short amount of time.

So I did.

I conquered my fear and stepped onto that incredibly scary thing.  After it was over, however, I realized I forgot to enjoy it; savor the thrill of it. I should have opened my eyes. I should have checked out the view from the top. I should of let out a scream of excitement.

I should of...

I should of...

But, I didn't.

My heart's desire is to praise the Lord from the time I arise to the moment I close my eyes in sleep. Not only is it pleasing to Him, but it also helps me through my day. Giving praise fills the praiser's heart with peace and joy.

But, many times, I find myself consumed in the busyness of the day, and I forget.

Or, I experience some difficulties and instead of praise grumblings and complaints come out of my mouth instead.

Or, I simply run out of time.

Fortunately, for me and every other person doing this thing called life, God gives us a brand new day every twenty-four hours.

I push on.

Each morning is a clean canvas, just waiting for me to pick up the paint brush. It is up to me to choose the color in which to dip the tip. Today, I will choose the color praise!

How about you?

"The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens."  Psalm 113:3-4

Sunday, September 10, 2017


It never ceases me the amount of technology that is utilized in our every day lives.

To think the first computer I ever saw didn't even have a monitor.

Or that when I left teaching to raise our family, emails were just being introduced to the world of communication.

We've come a long way.

Abbi's senior year and Jake's freshman year, the high school went to BYOD- bring your own device. Students were required to bring a laptop to school every day. That summer, we invested in three laptops. One for the each of them and one for Ben who was off to Oklahoma Baptist University. Last year, at Morrison Academy, Chrome books were introduced on a 1-to-1 basis in the middle school. This year, they have filtered down to our upper elementary. Next year, us lower elementary teachers may have the same opportunities using a tablet of some sort.

That's a lot of technology!

But, there has got to be some balance.

Thus, the creation of T.H.I.N.K.

This past week in the EMS side of the campus was our 2nd annual digital citizenship bootcamp.

Each day, a different letter was highlighted.

On Monday, I used photoshopped pictures to show students how easily information could be manipulated. Obviously, not everything on the internet is trustworthy! I think this is a lesson that many adults are still struggling with!

Tuesday was the letter H for helpful. Together we brainstormed a list of online sites and apps. My students were able to discern that some sites were helpful for communication, while others were useful for practicing or learning a new skill. Obviously, some websites are more helpful than others.

Wednesdays lesson is my favorite!

The front of my T.H.I.N.K. t-shirt which I wore every day this week! 

I is for inspiring which is a hard concept for not just children, but especially hard for those to whom English is a second language. I started the lesson with a deflated balloon. As is, it isn't very useful. But, it has the potential to be a great party decoration or part of a fun game. All the balloon needed  was a little air. God created us all to do good things in our lives. Sometimes we just need some inspiration- something to spur us on to do good- just like the balloon just needs air to reach its full potential. Believe it or not, there are things on the internet that can achieve that goal.

At this point in the lesson, I always pull up my Facebook account and introduce them to  my friend Amanda. Amanda is the founder of Psalm 139:Love. No one has used Facebook as well as Amanda to inspire others to reach out in love to those in desperate need. Her ministry is the hands and feet of Jesus to many communities in Haiti desperate for the most basic human needs: food, clean water, shelter.

Much to my disappointment, my airplay decided to go on vacation! Fortunately, we have a great tech staff who were able to do some quick repairs and got me back up and running by the next day.

The last two lessons of the week revolved around emails. Second semester the second graders are given their gmail ids and passwords. From that point on, I begin receiving lots and lots of emails!
Thursday was Necessary. The main point- don't send silly emails and messages.Use the internet for necessary communication. Students enjoyed going through a stack of my printed emails looking for unnecessary emails (created by me, of course).

Friday's lesson, while centered on the internet was much more encompassing. Kindness is important in all kinds of relationships and communication.

The week ended with a celebration chapel, which included ice cream!

Overall it was once again a good week. A tiring week, but well worth the effort.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

On Hold?

I recently read a comment, well intentioned I am sure, about missionaries putting their lives on hold to follow the call of the Lord.

Is that what Carl and I did five years ago? Did we put our lives on hold to be obedient and say yes to God? If the answer is yes, then  shouldn't our lives be the same when we eventually return to our home in Ohio?

But, how can that be? We have changed, our children have grown up. Our families, friends, churches, and communities continue to exist in the absence of our presence.

I am pretty sure my life is not on hold.

I only have to look at the dinner table's three empty chairs. Or cheer on  my youngest as he plays his first varsity soccer game. Or look in the mirror and see a new generation of wrinkles. 

My life is not on hold.

I am just living it out in a country, a culture, not my own.

I am the same Kelli here in Taiwan that I was in Ohio.

And, my life is not on hold.

I continue to age. 

I continue to make mistakes and  hopefully, learn and grow from them.

I continue to mature in both my relationship with God and with others living out their lives around me.

I continue to do the daily things one must do in order to survive.

 We continue to press on choosing to be obedient to that which God has called. It isn't always easy; cultural differences, language barriers, long distance relationships. It certainly isn't glamorous. 

But, its more than just a job, its life.

Ball just crossing into the net off the head of Jacob.

If you would like to see the header shot here is a link to the game. Jake's scoring shot occurs at the 26 40  mark.