Friday, January 30, 2015

Aunt Mary and Suzi Q

I spent a lot of time this week reminiscing about an old friend.

She and I spent a lot of good quality time together, especially on Sundays. She was one of those girls who just loved to talk and I rarely got a word in edgewise, which was ok, because Sunday was typically the only day she did get a chance to share her thoughts and wisdom.

We were great friends for over ten years. Last summer while home in Ohio, I spent some time with my old friend  remembering old times.

Her name is Tabitha.

A private conversation during last summer's VBS!

Yes, Tabitha is a puppet.

I am sure that revelation leads us to an even more thought provoking question....

With all there is to do in a typical week as a wife, mother, elementary teacher, why in the world would I be thinking about a lifeless puppet, thousands of miles away?

To answer that, I need to first share this week was the elementary's spiritual life week here at Taichung Morrison Academy. Once a year, our regular schedule is put aside to concentrate on the more spiritual side of our students.

Who doesn't love a change in the daily routine?

And frankly, I love the fact that I get to experience corporate worship every morning for a week with a terrific bunch of kids and adults. If you have never been in an auditorium filled with children singing How Great Is Our God, you have got to give it try!

It may possibly my favorite week of the school year.
 (Well, maybe except for that last week in May!)

This year our guest speaker was Mary Porter, all he way from Iowa!
She's a ventriloquist.

And yes, she uses a puppet!

Being with Mary and Suzi Q made me miss my days of ministry with Tabitha. Countless hours spent kneeling on the hard floor waiting for the perfect moment to make that grand entrance that characterized her so much. Not to mention her unique singing voice and quirky personality. But more than anything, sharing the truth of God's love!

I wished they listened that well to me!

A quick lesson in puppetry!

Suzi posing with my classroom dog!

While they were enthralled with Suzi's ability to "talk", my students were also hearing the message of truth and love.

God is always with us. 
God sent us a love letter.
God wants us to talk to him.
God sent Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins.
We don't have to be separated from God.

In a land of many gods, where one may virtually pick and choose which deity to worship, my God, the creator, is unique.

He, alone, is always with us.

He, alone, sent us a love letter.

He, alone, listens at all times for our prayers.

He, alone, sacrificially took on the sins of mankind, dying, yet conquering death, so we might live.

He, alone, lovingly reached out for us.

Thursday, after our morning chapel, one of my students prayed and asked Jesus to forgive his sins.
 A tiny spark, in a world of darkness, fanned into a flame of salvation.

What about you?

Have you experienced the life changing forgiveness offered by the creator of life?

Talk to Him today!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Sweet Success

 Countless hours devoted to planning and preparing.




The Siege Weapons physics project.

Will it launch?

Will it carry our coconut the required 10 meters?

Will we survive physics?




Yes, it will launch.

Yes, it will go beyond the required 10 meters.

Yes,  you will survive physics!

Go to to see a short video of a launch.

A successful afternoon for the junior of our family!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

And Today Is Saturday

Hip hip hooray!

As a working mom, I truly adore, no love, waking up to the thought "and today is Saturday"! 

Back in the old days, when I was a stay-at-home mom, Saturdays were nice, but they held a strong resemblance to all the other days of the week.  Not so now.

In my current life, Saturdays can come in all shapes and sizes. Some Saturdays, find me putting in another full day at work prepping and grading (like last Saturday). I become total sports mom on other Saturdays (like next week). 

Today was neither. 

But, instead of telling you, allow me to show you...

Coffee and home made muffins!

Carl and I headed off to school.

Carl led a casual practice for some of the girls on his basketball team. He rewarded those who came with some of the fresh muffins.

I decided to spend some time in my classroom. Next weekend will find us at opposite ends of the island for basketball tournaments. Carl and Abbi will be in Taipei (north) while Jacob and I will be in Kaohsiung (south). My hope was to use some time this weekend to get ahead in writing lesson plans. For some reason, I don't mind working when I don't have to be working!

A working selfie!
I graded papers and wrote lesson plans.

It was a beautiful day with plenty of bright sunshine. 
Carl, Ben and I headed over to the elementary school behind our apartment.

As part of Ben's application for a ROTC scholarship, he had to run a mile and half, as well as complete a series of push-ups and sit-ups. While Carl was timing, I ran off some of those extra Christmas pounds I found.

Meanwhile Abbi was back at school working on a school project. For physics, her team is building a catapult. When finished, it should be able to toss a melon at least ten meters.

Carl spent some time with the group offering wise advice.

At this point, you may be wondering about the youngest member of the Dingus family. Why haven't I taken any pictures of him?

Well, one must physically be with a person in order to take a picture of that person. Jacob literally disappeared Saturday. I saw him briefly after school Friday when he asked to spend the night with his friend and every time he spends the night with this friend, it becomes two nights instead of one. 

Luckily, I ran into Jacob and his friends at school. They had been shooting basketballs in the gym.

After his run, Ben got his haircut (only $3 US) and then went to see Taken 3 with a group of friends. I wasn't there, so no pictures to share! 
I can tell you, though, his hair looked great!

Saturday was a success. 

How about you?


Sunday, January 4, 2015

MIA.... The Camera

I am so sad.

My camera is missing.

I had it in my back pocket as we departed Kenting, and somewhere between there and here, I lost it. 

I feel kinda lost. 

 My story about the wild cows on the deserted beach just won't be the same without pictures. I know, that sounds "udderly" ridiculous, but its true.

So using "stolen" pictures from my friend Grace, here is the story of  72 Hours in Kenting.

Lots of sand and water time!

Eating is also fun!

Late night games.... Heads Up for the teen group.

Go carts were also popular with our teens!

Hiking... popular with parents and simply endured by the teens!

Unless your name is Jacob and you remember the ice cream shop at the end of the hike. Then you walk as fast as you can and hope for the reward at the end!

The four seniors!

Our group!

It was great to once again get away and enjoy a little R & R. Time in God's beautiful creation, as well as fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, makes for the perfect little vacation. 

Just in time, too. Tomorrow we begin the second semester of this school year.