Saturday, May 23, 2015

Nearing the End

Seems like just last week I was writing a post about the beginning of the end. The first of a long list of senior traditions. Now, here we are, nearing the end of that list. Not much left to check off- senior trip, senior reception, graduation, overnight party.

Last Friday, as the clock slowly clicked off the minutes till the dismissal bell, grateful seniors gathered on the plaza. Their intention- release balloons  signifying the  end of their last official day as a high school student.


While they were relieved to finally be finished, observing mothers fought back their escalating emotions. Patient fathers wondered where had the time gone. Younger siblings, somewhat jealous, felt the developing loss of companionship. 

No matter the emotions, the cameras were charged and ready to capture the moment.


And then the count down began.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!


If you want to watch the video, go here....

Then the rejoicing began!



Memories made.

Anyone got a tissue?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The words every elementary student loves to hear....

field trip!

But for some of us, its not all that's its cracked up to be.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing my students learn.

I also enjoy seeing my students having fun.

While my feet are incredibly small, try putting yourself in my shoes for a moment.

My classroom has four walls. Four walls to protect, contain, coordinate my students.
Field trips are wide open classrooms.

In my classroom, I plan out our day. I pretty much know how each day will go.
Expect the unexpected while participating on a field trip.

There's one more "in my classroom" statement......

Oh yeah, in my classroom, English is spoken.

There lies the problem!

First step to plan a field trip is to research. Where, when, why, how much are all important questions to ask. But most field trip locations in Taiwan on the web are in Chinese. And sometimes the translation is just as difficult to understand as the origional. 

Then comes transportation. Compared to the typical public yellow school bus, our busses are first class. The problem, however, the driver only speaks Chinese. 

Once you arrive at your expected location,  there is usually a needed conversation concerning tickets, checking in, and etc. Once again, all in Chinese.

Are you beginning to see a developing pattern?

And the problem is I don't speak Chinese!

None. Zippo. Nada. Zero.

I live in a country where I can't speak the language.

Where can we store our lunches? 
Which way to the bathroom?
Where is the bird show?
What time is it?


Add to that, the fact that the farm provided a guide.... who only spoke Chinese, of course.

I spent the day not understanding anything, relying on my good natured chaperones to direct my every step, as well as those of my students.

A very humbling experience.

I have no idea all the information the guide was sharing with my students. I hope it was educational.
I hoped they learned something new.

Maybe this summer I will have a chance to learn a new language.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

This is my third Mother's Day living in Taiwan.

And I have one word to describe my day- lazy.

Yes.  I celebrated this day by just being lazy.

As a doer, it's hard to admit that I used my time so frivolously.

I napped, read, and did a little Internet surfing.

Even now, I hear Carl's ice cream maker churning,  creating a delectable treat. The words "banana split" escaping from the lips of my husband. 

So add gluttony to my list of "sins" today.

I miss my mom, but I know who holds her tomorrow.

I miss my son, but he, too, is in hands bigger and stronger than my own.

God has blessed me, not just today, but throughout my life- an amazing mom, a loving mother-in-law, and four children who love me despite their mother's quirkiness and occasional dorkiness.

Earlier in the week, Nick sent an email any mother would be proud to receive. Thanks Nick for taking the time and effort to share your thoughts.

God has also blessed me with children of the heart.  I was surprised today by the loving note and beautiful flowers from one of these. Thank you, Tasha.

Never, never in my wildest childhood dreams of the future, could I have imagined such blessedness. 

And for this, I am thankful.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Sweep

They did it!

First, it was volleyball.

Next, came softball.

In third quarter, soccer was the sport.

And this past weekend, basketball.

In every tournament, their eighth grade year, this group of boys came out victorious.

Now before you excuse me of bragging unnecessarily, my reasons for bragging are not the obvious.

Its what's behind those medals, what went into their success, that I want to share.

Middle school sports began in sixth grade. They were just a bunch of new middle schoolers. Individuals on the same team. They had skills, but that was about it. During their softball tournament that year, they became frustrated with one another. Yelling ensued. It wasn't one of their best moments.

Last year, they placed second in every tournament. Thy had more skills, but they still lacked something.

They found it this fall...

maturity, leading to the game winning ingredient- teamwork.

I witnessed it first on the volleyball court. It was the championship game. Their opponents, the team that beat them the previous year. They lost a few points due to mistakes. Instead of falling apart, blaming each other, and trying desperately to regain the lead, they remained calmed, composed. They relied on their teammates to get the job done. They played and won as a team.

This was repeated over and over again through out the year.

Yes, I am happy of their successful year, but more importantly,  proud that they did it as a team!

Way to go eighth graders!

Friday, May 1, 2015

More Abbi

Spring break.

Camp Moriah.



Water buffalo.

(Yes, I said water buffalo.)

Lunch for the soccer camp kids.

Playing games.


An adventure to remember for a lifetime!