Saturday, November 29, 2014

Black Friday

So it's the day after Thanksgiving. 

What is one to do when Black Friday doesn't exist in your world?

Go exploring, of course!

Last year's spring break, Carl, Abbi, and I attempted to find a beach. We do live on an island. How hard could it be to find a beach? 

We ended up at the Wetlands instead. After walking through ankle deep water for half a mile, time ran out. The sun was setting and we still had quite a ways to walk. So although, we could see the water's edge, we never quite reached it.

So armed with more knowledge (first hand accounts and google map directions) we set out exploring again. Not on the scooter this time, but the van. And instead of three, there were eight. Why go exploring in an empty van?

When we set out on our journey, the sun was shining. As we drove north, the clouds began to descend. The sun disappeared and the wind picked up. It actually began to feel like an autumn day. 

 Factories, giant windmills,  and ever-present concrete walls seem to protect the west  coast from prying eyes. We knew the water was there. We caught glimpses of it, but there seemed to always be something between us and the crashing waves.

While Carl pulled over to check the map, the rest of us decided to stretch our legs and see what was over the fancy arching  bridge. Strange, since it seemed to be a desolate area.

From the top of the  bridge we could see our destination- a beach. But, alas, a tall sturdy cement wall separated us from feeling the soft sand between our toes.

But never give up.

Blowing sand formed a natural ramp up to the top of the wall.

Just a short walk along the top of the wall led to a sand ramp on the other side.

As you can tell from the picture, the wall was thick enough to safely walk along. The drop off on either side, however,  was over ten feet.

I am a pretty adventurous person. And I don't scare easily. 

But, this was by far one of the scariest things I have done. My legs became weak. My breathing shallow. The short walk felt more like a mile.

My fear was not that of the height, but rather of my ability to walk in a straight line. My ability, or rather inability, to take twenty steps without stumbling. And this just would not have been  a good time to lose my balance or trip on my own two feet, which I do often! I do not know whether to blame this on simple clumsiness, my quickly fading youthfulness, or my limited field of vision. But as usual, God provided a hero in both Ben and Carl. Sensing my instability, they provided assistance.

The beach was not that of  touristy swimming beach. But it was sand and water, and that alone appeased.

While we had found a beach, this was not the beach we had been aiming for. Loading back into the van, we ventured on. After accidentally pulling into a nuclear plant, we were politely given directions    by the nice security guard. Luckily, one of the teens in the car is fluent in Chinese!

And so went our time of exploring.... drive a little, explore a little!

By the way, that is Jacob all the way over to the left. He is no longer the "little" brother!

The restricted area, we accidentally tried to enter!

The beach we were attempting to locate is that narrow strip of sand between the plant and the dock in the above picture. Or at least we think it was. We decided seeing it sufficed!

Along the way, we saw individuals fishing, as well as fishing vessels. While were we all decked out for a summer day, they, on the other hand, were dressed appropriately for the cloudy, windy, chilly conditions!

It was fun to get out of the city and spend the day relaxing, doing nothing of great importance with no time constraints!

No bustling crowds, no competing shoppers, no time limited door busters.

And for that, I am so thankful!

Carl and I decided walking through these drifts
 were much more fun that the drifts in Ohio!

Thankful for family, friends, and a day of relaxation!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

 I must be having lots of fun because they always say time flies when you are having fun. And time does seem to be flying by quickly!

(If you ever find out who the THEY are, please let me know.)

Its hard for me to believe that is our third Thanksgiving here in Taiwan.

Two years ago, we had our official Thanksgiving dinner Wednesday evening. So on Thursday, we rode our bikes to a dumpling shop about 2 kilometres from our house. Although nontraditional, it was delicious!

Look how young they look!
Steamed dumplings!

Hot and sour soup!

Last year, our OMS family gathered in Kenting, the Taiwan "beach town".

A very special group of people.

The perfect Thanksgiving view!

Thankful for vacations... no matter how short!

We love the beach!

Besides eating turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, we had a great time relaxing a fellowshipping with our fellow OMS missionaries.

As the sun is going down on this Thanksgiving day, it is just beginning for my friends and family in America. Moms (and maybe some dads) will soon be getting up and preparing to dress the turkey.

Our turkey has been consumed, as well as all the other yummies served on Thanksgiving Day, and we are now in that comatose state  asking why, oh, why did we have that last piece of pumpkin pie.

Everything is ready!
Once again we celebrated this holiday with our OMS family. 
We came. We saw. We ate.

Waiting for their turn to get in line.

Zach, our occasional adopted son.

While we miss being with our families, especially Nick, we are so thankful for our OMS family. They are a special group of people God has placed in our lives. 

May God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving no matter where you may be!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Day of Rest?

I made an unofficial midyear new year's resolution.

Is that allowed? 

Well, even if its not, I did.

During these past two years, weekends were basically "catch up and prepare for the week ahead" days. I would spend as much time in my classroom on Saturday and Sunday as I did during the week.

But not this year. At some point this past summer, I remembered something about Sunday being a day of rest. And boy, do I need rest. So I decided to reclaim Sunday as a non-work day. 

I have endeavored to maintain that status through out the first 14 weeks of this school year.

I must say God knew what He was doing when He wrote that commandment!

Carl and I have two types of Sundays- Shalu Sundays and non-Shalu Sundays.

Today is a non-Shalu.

I am relaxing.

Last Sunday was a Shalu Sunday, but not our typical.

The day began at 9am when we picked up our friend and wonderful translator, Sharon. We then headed off into the foothills of the Taiwanese mountains.

At one of the numerous multi-purpose 7-11 stores (I really need to do a blog about 7-11 one of these days), we met the rest of our friends. Today was more about ministering to some of the families active in the group.

Carpooling to a mountain region national park, we parked the cars and headed into God's creation.

Hiking a short way, we claimed a scenic area for praise and worship. Carl then shared a short devotional.

After we ate a Chinese style picnic lunch of flower sushi, steamed vegetable buns, and oolong tea, we continued our hike.

The view was beautiful, the companionship priceless.

We came across this temple, out in the middle of no where, quietly tucked in among the lush vegetation.

The setting was gorgeous. Three large boulders formed the walls.

Evidently, however, the little temple had identity problems. While the symbols were those of Taoism, the statues and music in the background were of Buddhism.

While we were standing there, this gentleman paused during his hike to "bai bai" (worship).

The rest of our family Shula day were spent in Gouguan. This town is well known for its hot springs. Our first adventure involved soaking our feet in a shallow pool where tiny fish gently feasted on the dead skin.

It tickled.

We also visited one of the hot springs,  partaking of its warming offerings.

We have no pictures from this part of the adventure because:

1. My camera is not waterproof.

2. We were required, both men and women, to wear bathing caps.
Enough said.

Think of a large hot tub. No bigger. No think even bigger. Its like being in a hot tub with 50 to 60 of your closest friends.

At this point the light was fading and darkness approaching. Sunday evening darkness always leads to Monday morning blues. My mind switched from tourist to teacher.

On our way back into civilization, we stopped at a restaurant which served traditional Hakka dishes. At a table large enough to seat all 16 of us, we feasted on rice and various delicious dishes. My favorite was the sweet and sour fish.

It was a long day, chocked full of new and interesting adventures.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Only God

Sometimes God just blows me away.

Not literally, of course. 

But rather, His awesomeness.

His sovereignty. 

His timelessness. 

His ability to use broken vessels to glorify His name.

And for allowing the broken vessels to eventually see the weaving of God's hand throughout their past.

I would like to introduce you to Jonathon.

I first met Jonathon during a typhoon in 1990. The wind was blowing. Heavy rain was falling. Yet, he somehow managed to drive to our Sunday afternoon English rally. Even after a brick was blown through his windshield, he pressed onward.

I couldn't figure out why we didn't cancel the service. Surely no one would show up with a typhoon causing havoc. I was seeing the situation with human eyes.

That day Jonathon became my brother in Christ. 

Shortly thereafter, Jonathon began attending my higher level English class. He also became a regular attendee of my English Bible study. As a young christian, he desired others to come to know the Lord. He arranged with his boss for me to come to his company once a week and lead an English class using the bible as its text. He truly had a heart for the Lord.

Today I had the privilege of worshiping in his church. 

And hearing him preach a fantastic spirit led sermon.

Swim team trip video 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Swim Team Ministry

The last three weeks have passed by in a blur. Isn't that a typical occurrence after a week long vacation? Report cards, parent teacher conferences, swim meets, and assorted other sporting events vied for my attention. 

But my mind was never too far from what I wanted to share on this blog. 

Many of you prayed before and during Abbi's mission trip to the Philippines. I am so thankful for your willingness to be a partner with her in this adventure. I wanted last week's blog to be about her trip. I wanted lots and lots of great pictures.

So I waited.

And waited.

I still don't have any pictures, but I now have in my possession a short video created by one of the team's manager. She made this to present at the high school's weekly chapel.

Hope you enjoyed the video!