Sunday, January 28, 2018

Three Goodbyes and a Magician


Man, does time have a mind of its own.

Sometimes it just s-l-o-w-s down to the pace of a geriatric turtle moseying along on a sunny Sunday afternoon stroll.

Other times it's as fast as a speeding bullet slicing through green lime jello. 

That was a very strange analogy. Don't really know where that thought came from! However, it is applicable.

On December 15, Nick and Ben arrived in Taiwan. January 23 seemed so far away. But, evil time gremlins sped up the hands of my clock.

Before I knew it, they were saying their last goodbyes, packing up their bags, and heading out the door.

Next time I see Nick, he will be a college graduate. Neither he or Ben have solidified their summer plans, so whether I will see them this summer is unknown.


In case you wondered, this is the hardest part, in my opinion,  of being a missionary.

That was Tuesday morning.

But, my recent rash of goodbyes wasn't over.

Early, very early, the next morning, the above scene repeated itself. This time it was the husband.

Early Monday afternoon, Carl received one of those messages that everyone hates to get. His father, who celebrated his 98th birthday January 3 in the hospital with the flu, had taken a turn for the worse. Carl started looking at flights back to Ohio. A phone call later that afternoon confirmed it was time to buy the ticket.

Unfortunately, five minutes before leaving Wednesday morning, a call shared the passing of his dad. No time to mourn. He had a bus to catch for the airport.

It really stinks to be so far away when someone you love takes their final breath.

I trudged through the week carrying the three short term goodbyes, as well as theres-a-hole-in-my- heart goodbye.

But, even then, God found a way to lighten my grief soaked heart.

It came in the form of laughter- the laughter of my students.

Last week was Spiritual Life Week for Morrison Elementary and Middle Schools. Our speaker used both magic and ventriloquism as vehicles to spiritual truth. And, I might add, lots of silly, knee slapping humor. 

It was hard to be too gloomy as I sat between two second grade boys giggling nonstop. Their laughter was unmanufactured, unrestrained joy.

Naturally the sadness remains, but even amongst the grief, God's joy overcomes.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


I am blessed

The last month and a half have been full of blessings. While the list could go on and on, I will refrain for explaining them all. 

The week after Christmas the blessings of family, friends, and living in Taiwan all came together in a wonderful way.

Each Christmas vacation our family along with close friends, the Heebners and Bettingers, travel to the southern tip of Taiwan . It has been one of our Taiwan Christmas traditions.

Until this year.

Another set of friends, the Gantz, live on the eastern side of the island. We have spent time in their home multiple times over the last four years. They graciously share their home built beside the Pacific ocean with  many Morrison and missionary families. This Christmas, they were traveled to the US and allowed us to stay at their house. What a blessing!

So what do you get when you mix family, friends, and the beach?

An amazing, relaxing, restful vacation!

The path from their yard to the beach.

In my opinion, the best beach in Taiwan!

For six days we....

took early morning walks on the beach.

Hunted for and found beach treasures. 

Enjoyed swimming, surfing, and other beachy kind of things.

With the house came the three dogs, Chocolate, Donut, and Mama Dog.

Anytime someone went to the beach, the dogs went with them. 

One evening, after supper, we had a bonfire complete with marshmallows and singing!

Time off the beach was just as fun and adventurous!

The evening hours were filled with card games and the such.

Ben brought his hammock!

Jake actually slept in it one night. He slept in a different spot almost each night!

Have I mentioned the food yet? Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, and British fish and chips! 

There was also lots of exploring.

Some of the older folk found an off the beaten path trail.

One of the views overlooking the coast from the hiking trail. The Gantz house is along that beach.

An ornate and well lit temple was explored as well. Off of the main room was a hallway with a little room for other gods.

We also experienced an impromptu tea tasting at a local business.

There was also an interesting incident involving the Taiwan air force and local police, but we won't delve into that adventure. Needless to say, we returned home healthy and wiser! 

I don't know why.

Like most other things, our vacation came to an end.

But, the memories made will last a lifetime.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

It's Never Too Late

It's never too late to share the love and joy of Christmas!

So even though I am twenty days late.....

Merry Christmas from the Dingus Gang!

Moving to Taiwan in 2012 threw a wrench into our normal Christmas traditions. Most were no longer feasible. And as our kids graduate from high school and return to the US for college, these traditions continue to morph and change.

With everyone home this Christmas, our traditions continued.

Such as Christmas morning breakfast, consisting of homemade cinnamon pecan rolls. My mom served these warm gooey treats every Christmas. The recipe came to her from my dad's mom. This year Abbi made them. Nothing says Christmas as delicious as these!

Of course, there was the individual pictures of each child with their stocking. Naturally, some were more obliging than others.


And, of course, the overwhelmingly favorite (insert sarcastic voice) sibling picture in front of the tree.

They were much more accomendating as toddlers!

After opening presents, our Christmas fun took an unusual turn. Since Christmas is not a national holiday, life outside our American bubble proceeded as normal. Shops and businesses of all sizes and purposes were up and running.

 Abbi and I decided to take advantage of this unique situation. We treated ourselves to a trip to the hair salon. Peaceful atmosphere, soft classical music in the background, warm towels, aromatic tea, and head massages- a very relaxing experience.

Afterwards, we joined the guys at the local mall for dinner and a movie.

Not a very Christmasy tradition, I know.

But, going out for dinner and movie is an American kind of thing. Especially since we rarely go to western style restaurants.  Eating at Chili's is a special treat! The movie part just started one year spontaneously and now it has become part of the tradition.

The best part?

We were all together. 

That's what makes traditions so special- they are done together, with the ones you love.

Next year, as far as I know, it'll just be Carl, Jacob, and myself celebrating Christmas in Taiwan. The year after that? Who knows.

That's what made this year so special.

So better late than never....

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Full Heart

My heart is full.

Nick, Ben, Abbi, and Jacob.

All under one roof.

This Christmas, I celebrated the gift of time.

Time to just be with the ones I love.

I simply cannot find the words to express how good it felt!

All grown up. How did that happen?
Celebrating Abbi's 19th birthday!

Brother sister love!

Beautiful daughter. Beautiful view!
Perfect photo op!

The present of presence.

Family project!

A new ornament!
Brother brother love!

More brother brother love!

The Dingus Family 2017