Monday, May 28, 2018

Just Five!


Just five quickly passing days...

That's all there is left to the 2017-2018 school year. 

The end of any school year brings  a multiple of emotions.

This year, however, is different.

The range of emotions goes beyond the norm.

To the point, at times, that my emotions just simple slip into numbness.

On one hand, I am relieved  the light at the end of the tunnel is growing larger and larger each day. Not just because I am ready to have a break from 60 plus hours a week.
Not just because my students are finished with learning, and have been for several weeks.
Not just because my job is mainly maintaining order and solving interpersonal problems of the before mentioned students- obviously, they need a break from each other!

Mostly because my heart is divided. One half is here with Jacob... 

Jacob receiving an academic award.

and my students and coworkers.

 While the other half is with Carl, Nick, Ben, and Abbi in Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma Dingi at the wedding of a Morrison/ Oklahoma Baptist University classmate.

I am so thankful for technology that allowed me to still be a part of Nick's college graduation.

And still be able to see and hear this guy!

At the end of year, there in the inevitable goodbyes. 

Graduating seniors, departing expats, and the most difficult, coworkers returning to their passport countries.

This June we are losing four important members of our team. Not just as coworkers, but as our neighbors, church members, and friends.

Its hard. Just plain old hard. 

Living the life of a missionary/expat can be very rewarding, but there are hardships along the way- language barriers, unfamiliar customs, questionable food choices, and the never ending goodbyes. 

And this heart rendering comes around every May.

But, God is in control.

And His plan is always better than my own.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy 17th Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Jake!

Its hard to believe its been 17 years since he made that unexpected entrance into our family. I am so glad he did!

What better way to celebrate than attending your high school Junior Senior Banquet? Especially when your date is one of those friends that you never fail to have a great time with.

Also a missionary kid with OMS, Karissa, and her older sister Melissa, became part of our lives when we first moved to Taiwan. I had watched them grow up via the OMS Daily prayer sheet. But within our first month, Abbi and the two sisters had become friends. The friendship grew to include Ben, and eventually Nick and Jake. 

I have watched their relationships grow from acquaintances to sibling- like friendships. It only made sense that for his first Junior Senior Banquet, Jake would want to accompany Karissa on her last. 

It will be sad to see Karissa graduate at the end of the month. Jake will be the last of the group. Next year's OMS missionary retreat will be quiet and lonely without his mission siblings.

Just like them, he too, will soon be moving onto the next stage of life. But, for now, we will enjoy the time we have left.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


Everyone who has ever been on a short term mission trip knows that at one point afterwards you will be asked to share your experiences.

The same is true of Morrison's junior class mission/service trips. This year, they have had several platforms in which to share.

I was able to sneak in on one of these, a middle school chapel. Fortunately, I arrived just in time to see my quiet, non-spotlight seeking son share. Not expecting this, I wasn't prepared to record his thoughts and comments.

Unbeknownst to me, he also shared with his peers during a recent high school chapel. A fast thinking high school teacher caught in on his phone and shared it with me later that evening.

I love that Jake is being stretched outside his comfort zone. This is how humans grow into maturity both as a Christian and as an adult. It's uncomfortable. Sometimes, it even hurts, but the end result is worth it!  

In addition to sharing in chapels and a recent mission trip open house, each team also put together a video to share their experiences. This being in Jake's wheelhouse, I wasn't surprised he volunteered to do his team's video.

So proud that he was able to use both his talents and his voice to share the work of God in Boracay!

Rainbow Village

Time sure does fly!

Twenty-four years ago this past Monday, my life changed forever.

I became a wife!

Just a short ten months later, a mom.

I've been busy ever since.

But, I wouldn't change a single THING!

I love the life, the husband, the kids- everything that God has blessed me with. It's certainly not perfect, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Since starting back to work full time, April 23 is a day that I make sure is dedicated to celebrating my life with the most important person in my life- Carl.

(Don't misunderstand me.... I love my kids passionately, but they are growing up, maturing, beginning to develop their own lives. Three are already on the other side of the world seeking and following God's will for their future. Carl is here and will continue to be here with me, where ever that might be, until God takes one of us home.)

After traveling to Hong Kong for a quick conference, I was so glad that April 23 fell on a Monday. I needed the rest.

Originally, we thought that Carl would be also off island with the track team in Okinawa, so no big plans were made for our anniversary celebration.

That's ok. We just needed time together.

It was the perfect time to finally visit Rainbow Village.

Scattered through out Taiwan are veteran villages. Here, the government housed the veterans of Taiwan and their families. Hastily built with cheaper materials, these homes have begun to disappear.  The village in Taichung was already being torn down building by building when one of the last residents decided to paint what was left, filling walls and alleyways with bright vibrant colors.

With the help of curious college students the painting continued until all the remaining walls, roofs, and floors were covered in simple, but beautiful,  artwork.

People started coming to see the unique site. 

Eventually, the local government realized the popularity of the attraction and halted the demolition.

Today, it is a favorite attraction in Taichung. While not big, it is definitely a must see. And, it remains the home of the man, known affectionately as Rainbow Grandpa. 

I just can't understand why it took us six years to finally come see it!

Of course, every anniversary celebration should always end with ice cream. Or is it every new year should begin with ice cream. Either way, I in!