Saturday, August 26, 2017

Look Up

This summer was a season of exploration.

Since we stayed in Taiwan, we had the time to explore the more natural side of this amazing island. 

Fortunately, travel is relatively easy. Except for several islands and the remotest mountain tops, most of Taiwan is easily accessible by car. We can get to the southernmost tip of the island in under six hours and across the mountains to the eastern coast in about the same amount of time.

One of the best way to really experience the great outdoors is through hiking.

Taiwan is a hiker's paradise!

There are various levels of hiking.

From the well laid out paved paths...

To the more challenging....

There are places where you can hike for days and never see another human being. 

While we didn't get to do any of those, we hiked many paths and trails through out the island.

I must be honest, however, my loss of vision field has made it more difficult.

With this loss, came the absence of depth perception- an important asset when climbing up and down a river bed or mountain side. 

The trails with man-made steps are easier, as long as the steps are evenly spaced. The trails with just rocks and boulders are much more difficult for me. Each step is an opportunity to slip and fall. Each step, a chance to misjudge the distance and sprain an ankle, or worse, tear another ACL.  On one hike, I actually did miscalculate the edge of the path and tumbled down into a ravine. No worries. I jumped right back up and continued on. It did, however, open my eyes to how quickly and easily a fall could happen.

To compensate, I often found myself watching my feet, concentrating on each place a foot would land. It was hard work and to be honest, the joy of hiking diminished. Silently, I would wonder why I had agreed to this adventure. Grudgingly, hoping for the end.

Fortunately, every so often, I would look up. 

Then I would see God's handiwork all around me! 

The beauty of Taiwan with its majestic vistas reminded me why I was there; why I was working so hard. I just needed to look up and see God's handiwork. The joy, despite the obstacles, returned.

Now that I am back in a school routine, I have found myself repeating this scenario.

Teaching is hard work. 

I have put in long days, working six days each week. My students don't know the daily routines. They fidget, lose focus, tattletale. Thousands of decisions to be made every minute of the day. Lesson plans to be written. Materials gathered. Papers graded. The cycle goes on and on.

Once again, my eyes are down, looking at the obstacles, trying to overcome, but losing focus on the important part.

God brought me to Taiwan to share His love with those who do not know Him. If I am always focusing on the little things, the hard things, I will lose sight of the big things!

My joy will slowly slip away.

Like hiking, I need to keep looking at the big picture- God's plan. 

God called me to teaching to share His love.

This is where my eyes should be!

How about you?

Are you facing struggles? Are the obstacles in your daily life causing you to look down?

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, 
the maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1

Look up!

Take your eyes of the rocks, boulders, and other obstacles that might cause you to stumble and fall. God has a bigger better plan!

And, with His plan comes joy and peace!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

One Week Down

One week down,

Only 35 left to go!

Here are the faces of those I will spending many, many hours with over the next nine months!

This year, I have two staff kids and only one missionary kid. The rest come from business families.  I have had older siblings of seven of them. One was born in Australia. Another in Canada. The rest were either born in Taiwan or the U.S. Two of them are new to our school.  There is not just one set of twins, but two! But, all of them are precious in the eyes of God!

I count it an extreme privilege to share an entire year with them. I pray that the love, joy, peace, faith, wisdom, kindness, gentleness, and self-control God gives to those who love him will fill my life so those with whom I am with, will see Jesus through me.

May God bless our time together!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Ready, Set, Go!


What if I am not ready?

Ready or not, here they come.

Yep. That's right.

School starts tomorrow.

Where did summer go?

I think I might have a touch of summer remorse.

I was going to get in shape. I was going to study my new Language Arts curriculum and prepare lesson plans. I was going to explore a couple ipad apps. I was going to become an efficient Mandarin speaker. I was going to....

The list could go on and on. 

But, how much of that list did I actually accomplish?

Ummm.... I am too embarrassed to answer that question.

Let's go back to my original question.

What if I am not ready?

I think I need to first discern if I am or not.

The first thing ready this year was my outside bulletin board. I am not a huge Pinterest person, but I loved this idea. After the first day, I will add each student's picture to their kernel.

My door is ready....

 I just wonder how long until a strong burst of wind that comes along once in awhile takes away one of my letters. Last year, I actually lost the word "to".

And, I think the room is ready.

No more desks. I am moving toward more flexible seating during independent work. Plus the tables allow better collaboration and group projects.

The view from my desk!

So, as far as I can tell, the room is redy.

But, am I?

That's a good question.

Emotionally, I am missing my college age kids. Abbi left last Tuesday and it has been over a year since I have physically been with Nick and Ben.  I miss being a part of their every day lives! Fortunately, they will all be able to come home for Christmas. That's good. So in that respect, let the school year begin!

I will miss my lazy summer days. I will even miss studying Chinese, but the time is right!

It is time, the perfect time, for another school year to begin.

My prayer for this year is that I will be an empty vessel that is ready and willing to be filled with God's love, joy, faith, wisdom, peace, and patience. I pray when my students see me, they are really seeing a reflection of their Creator and Redeemer!

So ready or not?

I am ready!