Saturday, December 8, 2018

You Know...

You know you are not in Ohio anymore when....

 you are sweating profusely while putting up the Christmas tree! 

Shorts and open windows are not the typical Ohio environment for Christmas decorating! Its cooled off a little since. Today, jeans and short sleeves are more appropriate. Unfortunately, the tree is still not done. Several of the light strands decided to go on strike, refusing to cooperate with the Christmas spirit. Carl spent an entire afternoon trying to negotiate a compromise, but the lights were unyielding in their opposition. So, they were granted their wish. The other strands were taken off and redistributed to accommodate their stubborn coworkers' absence. 

You know you are not in Ohio anymore when....

your peaceful, relaxing Sunday afternoon is interrupted by this.

At first, I though it was just a passing god parade. It stopped, however, just below us and stayed. Not sure, but we think the owner of the business asked (or paid) the temple leaders to bring the god to the building to bless it. The whole affair lasted quite a while and was accompanied by lot and lots of firecrackers. 

Definitely, not an interruption I would expect in Ohio. Passing tractors, yes, an occasional passing ambulance, maybe, but a noisy god blessing, not likely! 

You know you are not in Ohio anymore when....

everyone in your community is asking about where to find candy canes! And when someone finds them, they share the location and price on Facebook. Don't judge, the struggle is real!  

There are many other examples I could share, but I think you get the point!

Ohio is in my heart, but loving the life God has given me!