Tuesday, June 24, 2014



There is no place like home.

But, where is home?

Three years ago, that was an easy question to answer. Now, not so easy. When in Taiwan, I said things such as we fly home in one week. Now that I m in Ohio, I find myself thinking when I get home I need to.... (fill in with multiple job and house related responsibilities).

So once again, I ask where is home?

I guess this is an age old question for those who work and live abroad.

I guess I am blessed to have two homes- my heart home, Ohio, and my daily existence home, Taiwan, where God as planted me and expects growth.

But. no matter how much I love Taiwan, there are things here in Ohio, I truly miss!

Naturally, that list would first of all contain names of dearly loved and missed family and friends. And. of course, foods inaccessible in other parts of the world!

But, I really miss the wide open space! 

So many shades of green. Blue sky. White puffy clouds.

With all the tall buildings blocking the view, I rarely get a good view of the sky. I don't know its about to rain until the drops begin to fall. I don't know a storm is coming until the thunder crashes through the city sounds.

Yesterday, we had the privilege to see some amazing cloud formations as a storm rolled across the countryside.

And, of course, I have dearly missed seeing the sun come up every morning and go back down every night. The sun greeted me each morning in my kitchen and said goodnight as it dipped below the horizon, conveniently viewed from the front windows, or even better, the front porch.

I am still waiting to catch a great sunset on my camera. It has either been cloudy, rainy, or cameraless! I haven't made it up for a sunrise, yet. 

Don't judge me... I'm on vacation!

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