Sunday, March 19, 2017

Brain Overload

Yes, my brain feels like it might actually explode.

That's what happens when you try to cram new information into one's brain in a weekend conference.

Not just any conference, but a Google Summit.

Never fear. I have not become a techie, at least not yet. That was well proven over and over again the last 48 hours.

It never ceases to amaze me how much some people know and how little I know or understand.

Granted, I am a late bloomer.

When I "retired" from teaching in order to stay home with my kids, the internet was just in its infancy. Emailing was just starting to come into existence. We had just moved from mimeograph machines to copy machines. It was very archaic.

As the world wide web grew,  my time online was severely limited. We didn't have internet access at our house in Ohio. No company would service the few houses on our road. We didn't have unlimited access until moving to Taiwan.

The last five years have been a huge learning experience for this Rip Van Winkle.

But, I won't bore you with all the details.

What I will share is pictures from our Track and Field Day.

This annual event, loved by some, hated by others, is held every March. March, the month of hot days, cold days, dry days, and wet days. But, if it's the day of Track and Field, it will not be hot. It will not be dry.

While drenching downpours delayed our start time, it did not dampen spirits. We squished our way through five events.

Laughing, smiling, and simply enjoying each other.

Throwing challenge!

Waiting for their team's turn.

Time to refuel!

Standing long jump.

50 meter dash!

Ready, set, go!

 Tire roll.

Tomorrow is the first day of our final quarter. Its hard to believe how fast this school year has flown by.  It will be hard to say goodbye to these kiddos. As usual, they have found a way into my heart!

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